The Lives of Writers

Jessica E. Johnson [Guest host: Lena Crown]

Episode Summary

Guest host Lena Crown talks with Jessica E. Johnson about miner parents, trees, biology and literature, meaning making, mechanism, metaphor, her new book METABOLICS, the book-length poem form, accumulation, research as authority, place and context, writing the body, troubling the notion of a self, figures and diagrams, and more.

Episode Notes

Guest host Lena Crown talks with Jessica E. Johnson about miner parents, trees, biology and literature, meaning making, mechanism, metaphor, her new book METABOLICS, the book-length poem form, accumulation, research as authority, place and context, writing the body, troubling the notion of a self, figures and diagrams, and more.

Jessica E. Johnson writes poetry and nonfiction. She's the author of the book-length poem Metabolics and the chapbook In Absolutes We Seek Each Other. Her poems, essays, and reviews have appeared in The Paris Review, Tin House, The New Republic, Poetry Northwest, River Teeth, DIAGRAM, Annulet Poetics, The Southeast Review, and Sixth Finch. 

Podcast theme: DJ Garlik & Bertholet's "Special Sause" used with permission from Bertholet.